We regret to inform you that our colleagues at Numismatica Ars Classica(NAC) have brought to our attention that a parcel sent from London to Brussels has been reported as lost in the FedEx system. As the parcel cannot be located by FedEx it is presumed to have been stolen.
The parcel contained seven (7) Aurei.
Please refer to the photos and descriptions in the attached file. 
If offered any items matching these descriptions or if you have any information that would lead to the recovery of any or all of these pieces, please immediately contact NAC or the IAPN General Secretary.
Numismatica Ars Classica (NAC)
Suite 1, Claridge House, 32 Davies Street, London, W1K 4ND, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 207 839 7270 | Fax: +44 207 925 2174
info@arsclassicacoins.com | http://www.arsclassicacoins.com